"Helping others often helps ourselves."
"Learn to live here in the now by acting upon teachings of Christ our Lord. Follow the blueprint for life that has been laid out."
"Without spiritual guidance the foolishness is endless."
"Nothing improves when you resist spiritual growth."
"Attempting to introduce someone to Jesus Christ, be sure to introduce yourself adequately."
"Spiritual maturity would most likely eliminate many foolish notions."
"Putting words into action is not for the lazy or complacent. Lack of action shall never produce growth."
"Make no mistake, wisdom comes with age and experience, along with common sense....
well for some this may not apply."
"Knowledge is good, wisdom is priceless."
"If the gospel of grace reveals Christ alone, then a perverted gospel is Christ plus something. It’s the somethings that’ll sink you."
"Without spiritual motivation to grow, stagnation brings cause of falling away from God."
"Think good things, and they may happen when least expected."
“I am responsible for reporting for duty and making the effort to overcome adversity, and in so doing to overcome myself.”
"A false heart being deceivable shall be the way of careless minds."
"Vigilance will always be the price of survival.”
'To know not to tamper with God's word, you have gained wisdom."
"One must wonder what became of common sense."
"An unclean man-mind has the ability to conjure up foolish notions."
" The character God is creating in us does not become ours unless His way is put into practice."
"God's message does not carry itself, somebody must carry it.”