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"Scripture pettiness takes our eyes off our calling and incites undue strife."
"Sound, reasonable, rational thinking is an option."
“Empathy, not sympathy or pity, is the most useful quality a teacher can cultivate.”
"Following the lost, you too shall be lost."
"One prominent ethical issue relating to spiritual conduct is the deservingness of the recipient."
"If more prominence were to be focused on living in the now, there might be less foolish notions."
"The adversary shall be notably argumentative and confrontational, and lacking respect of others."
"Sometimes things in plain sight are the hardest to find!”
"The emphasis on appearances/self-recognition is just another way to deny or avoid confronting reality."
“Be willing to be willing to follow directions and you will find your life changing in all areas.”
"It being of utmost significance having your own faith and living it. Unless there is doubt."
"For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. To fully grasp this truth, spiritual maturity is necessary."
“Practicing your righteousness before others” ....
clearly being a matter of the heart.
'Of an occult, is any practice that tries to gain supernatural power, abilities, or knowledge apart from the creator God. 'Entertainment' often a front for perpetrating occult notions. The adversary being shameless.'
'When proclaimed 'Christians' argue, the adversary is the winner.'
"So, too many of us allow time to drift away, spending it on relatively unprofitable things. We need to prioritize our time better, spending it on burning eternal things into our minds and hearts so that God's way is always our first response."
"Helping others often helps ourselves."
"Learn to live here in the now by acting upon teachings of Christ our Lord. Follow the blueprint for life that has been laid out."
"Without spiritual guidance the foolishness is endless."
"Nothing improves when you resist spiritual growth."