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"Involving disorderly haste or confusion defined as 'helter-skelter'...bringing cause of impeding danger."
"The only solution to a spiritual malady is a spiritual awakening."
“Surrender has nothing to do with giving up. It means to stop fighting.”
"The undisciplined man-mind is often vacant of spiritual direction."
"The blind leading the blind is not compatible for a SAFE walk with our Lord."
" It has been said a person is not measured by what they have achieved but by what they have overcome.”
"Love is the emotion felt and actions performed by someone concerned for the well-being of another person."
" God helps those who help themselves. "
" The spiritual life is not a theory. We have to live it."
"Responsibility and accountability are essential in sharing our love of God's love."
"Keep taking care of me, Lord, because I appreciate it now.”
" If you can't be content with what God has given you today, you won't be content with what He will give you tomorrow."
"The unknown is precisely that...unknown."
"Many are drowning in information while starving for wisdom."
"Whatever happened to 'show me' how God has changed your life."
“Ever deepening humility, accompanied by an ever-greater willingness to accept and to act upon clear
spiritual discipline is truly our guideline for all growth in the spiritual life."
"The Holy Spirit may bring gladness of the heart."
"Through prayer there is hope."
"There being only one thing that truly fills emptiness of the heart. Love. There is only one cause of inner emptiness: a lack of love."