I'm not married. I'm just saying if I was. But the truth is, wives are told to submit to their husbands. If I, as a husband, didn't want my wife seeing a male gynecologist if there were females ones available, I feel I have the God given right as a husband to tell my wife to see a female doctor. It's not like I'm telling my wife to never see a male doctor ever again. All I ask of my wife is that she does not allow another man with a medical licence to shove his face in her private area. Is that too much to ask for?
You have a right to ask that she not see a male OBGYN, however if she has a physician she trusts then she has the right to refuse your request. Another thing no gynecologist has ever shoved their face in my private areas. Unless there is a problem these exams don't last very long. When I gave birth to my first child my husband saw a lot. The male doctor checking my dilation progress was the least of his worries.