The Bible states that as believers, we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers A lot of people don't believe this is referring to marriage but only to dating.
Yeah, I've wondered about that, too. I don't know if this is specifically the case, but I wonder if believers who do this are reading I Cor 7 and interpreting it incorrectly. Paul wasn't giving permission for the believers in Corinth to go out and find unbelieving spouses; he was speaking to the church members who were ALREADY married to unbelievers. In other words, married people who had found Christ AFTER they had married, and their spouses had not yet accepted Christ. It's a relevant directive today, because that sort of thing still happens. But again, I wonder if some people misinterpret it, or purposefully twist it to their own use. "Well, I know she's not a Christian, but I am, and Paul says that since we're of one flesh, she is consecrated through me." Just...completely missing the point. >_<
To me that is going to cause heart ache and quite possibly cause you to go on a downward spiral, as the non-Christian is more likely to pull you away from God.
And it's not like there was a HUGE example of why this is a bad idea in Isreal's history.
Oh wait, YES THERE WAS: Solomon. You'd think people would read up on Solomon, and say, "Hey, this was one of the Lord's most anointed children, and when HE married a pagan wife, everything went to garbage." But perhaps in our own arrogance, we say, "Oh, well, that was Solomon. I can totally make this work."