Ohhhhhhhhhhh my bad! Okay your statement makes more sense now.

And it makes more sense that a woman pastor would "dodge" passages about women being under authority, like you said. Now your post makes sense to me. (By the way I'm not saying the passage means to wear a covering or not wear a covering. I was just responding to one particular thing.)
I understand and thank you for your kindness. Despite some comments to the contrary, I haven't been attacking anyone. The verses I quoted are in the Bible and we either obey them or not, that's our choice, but in a way they determine what kind of servants we are. The worst enemy of a true walk with the Lord is self will. The Bible says, "we are bought with a price" so we are supposed to belong to the Lord. In otherwords, He owns us and our lives are actually not our own anymore.
What I have been sharing on this thread was common knowledge in the church when I was a kid. My Mother, grandmother and every other Christian woman I knew, covered her head when praying and absolutely when they were in Church. So has the Word of God changed? Of course not, but the Church certainly has and a humble reverence for every jot and tittle of God's word is gone.
The result? We were once the richest country on the globe, a Christian lighthouse to the rest of the world. Now we are a debtor nation and the filth we spread abroad through our movies and prrnographic industry has made us worse than the nations that surround us.
If you look around with an open heart, the Holy Spirit shows you that judgment is coming on our land. In fact, it has already begun. It's our fault and I include myself, but will we repent, naw! We'll just debate a little more on whether God's word actually means what it says.