[QUOTE=Abiding;937949]My understanding is that Angels honor God and His order. Head coverings were for a woman to show her submission. [/QUOTE]
Head-covering is far more important is that. From Ephesians 5:21-32, it is apparent that man is a type of Christ and woman is a type of the Church. When a woman covers her head, it figuratively shows to angelic majesties that the Church is under the authority of the Lord Jesus. when the Church does not cover its head, it shows something else, that the Church is in rebellion to the Lord Jesus. That may appear meaningless in the physical world, but the effect of that ordinance on the spiritual world is significant . . .
We know a couple, Roy D. and wife, whose primary ministry for years has been to help demonized Christians to freedom in the Lord Jesus. Roy would work with the afflicted brother or sister while his wife sat in the back of the room praying. He told me that during the course of a deliverance, he sometimes had to take several minutes to state his position and authority in the Lord Jesus before the demons would obey them. After his wife recognized the truth of head-covering and began practicing it, Roy told me that he never had to do that again, that the demons instantly recognized that Roy and his wife were under the authority of the Lord Jesus and consequently had authority over them.
Now that isn't an imaginary story about some unknown people in Tierra del Fuego, I know Roy and his wife personally.