God can speak to the heart of anyone; I mean, "even the waves obey Him" (Matthew 8:27, Luke 8:25). Still, we see that Jesus' closest disciples (after years of being together) turned their backs on him. I share this to highlight that humanity is different than the rest of Creation in this way: we
often mess up. God knows this, so God offers help. Sadly, however, people of all thought patterns have the abilty to reject God's help in this world. "I got it," we say so frequently. Moses' "I can't" was just as self-absorbed. Remembering this, we need to be careful of STRAIGHT PRIDE-- and that of GAY. We are all human (whatever that means).
(pauses, adds more random comments)
Science has proven that babies can be born through egg and sperm donation. Well, from what I can tell, the Bible does not speak to this. Therefore, the reproduction argument is nullified. It becomes a matter of situational ethics, not capability. (I have not heavily weighed this subject, but I have no need as a single male in a world of countless orphans.)
The "not Adam and Steve" argument often shows that God intended for man to leave family and cleave to a woman (the so-called marriage right). This argument forgets another kind of person, however; the single with a straight orientation who remains celebate. Think about it: Church tradition trumpets Jesus as being celebate and never married. Also the Bible never speaks directly to Jesus' orientation (I think it was God), yet it says in Hebrews that he was tempted in EVERY way (4:15). [NOTE: This does not mean that following a temptation is good; quite the contrary (See Jesus).]
If orientation is viewed as a person's decision, then people can change. The problem is that a "God made me this way" cloud gets in the way. According to Jesus in John 9:3, however, God allowed a man's blindness; according to the text, that same God healed him. Therefore, just because one feels one is made a certain way does NOT mean that one is to remain that way.
For whatever Reason(s), God has allowed pleasures and pains in this world, even in the hearts of individuals. Obviously, not every pain is necessary (cutting, for instance); but neither is every pleasure (fill in the blank). Therefore, I conclude this response by quoting out of context the Apostle Paul: Everything is permissable, but not everything is beneficial (1 Corinthians 10:23).
May each of us keep seeking and accepting God's grace and Guidance--with humility. God knows best.