1'st Corinthians 6;3,,,,,,,,,,,,,who are you Micheal?,,,,,,,,,are you,,,"a man of like manner like me?",,,,,,,,,of whom is sent as Moses spoke? one whom we will hear?,,,,,,,,,,"how shall i judge you?",,,,,,,,,"judge not lest you be judged?",,,,,,,,,,,"are you the messiah who is sent to me?",,,,,,if you are a messenger,,then "you are an angel",,,,,and if you are the"Christ" and i refuse you,,,,,,then it is so i have refused you,,,,,,,,and if you are the Christ and i "receive you",then i have "judged" and my judgement is that you are the messiah,,,,,,,,,men say i must "accept you",,,,,,but i must first judge if you be the messiah,,,,,,,,,will i take the leap of faith and "judge",and then be judged by it?,,yes,,,,,,it is said if i say,,,,,,and then i am,,, then saved,,,,,,,,,,,and if i say not ,,,,,and then,, i am,,,,, damned.,,,,,,,, and it is said,,,,,,,,, Leviticus 17;10,,,,,,,"and whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel,or of the strangers that sojourn among you,that eateth any manner of blood;i will even set my face against that soul that eateth",,,,,,,, blood,,,,and will cut him off from among his people.",,,,,,,,,"and he took the cup,and gave thanks,and gave it to them,saying,drink ye all of it:for this is my blood of the new testament,which is shed for many for the remission of sins.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Matt.26-28,,,,,,,and you are an messenger,,,,,,,you have told me "that which i have heard of the father that is that which i say" ,,,, now the took him down to scull and "judged him",,,,1st Corinthians 6;3 and their judgment was that he did "blaspheme",,,,,,,,,,,,and this was their judgment when they,,,,,,,,,judged the angels,1st Corinthians 6;3,but you looked and you put your judgment "to cry",,,,,,,,,,,when you began to judge the angels,,,,,1st.cor.6;3,did you "choose",,,,,,,?,,,what is your judgment?????judge not lest thow be judged,,,and if your judgment is that he is not the messiah you are judged already.