I'm not surprised you're ignoring all the verses I posted that show God offers salvation to ALL and not just a few.
Also, it's not about just the gospel - it's about the inherent knowledge that God exists which God has put in every person ever created. It's right in the first chapter of Romans.
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
So even people who have never heard the gospel will still have to answer to God for how they react to this inherent knowledge of His existence that He gives to all of us past, present and future. ALL of us will have to give an account to Him. This is why you can't blame Him when most people reject Him - it was their choice the whole time and not Him forcing them.
But you should know that if you're so well-versed like you pretend to be.
Having knowledge of the existence of God is a far cry from hearing the gospel and experiencing salvation. The gospel hasn't been heard by every person. It hasn't even been heard by every person living today. That being the case, how do you make the claim that the gospel is for everyone. Verses that you shared suggesting that this is the case must mean something else or God has lied. Since it is impossible for God to lie, the verses you gave as proof cannot possibly mean as you say.
Let's examine a few:
John 3:16...the term translated world is cosmos. It is not a term referring to individual people, but creation as a whole. While people are included in this, not all are; only believers. It is only these who receive eternal life. The rest remain under condemnation. One would think that Jesus would pray for everyone in the world if He came for them all. But does He? In John 17:9 Jesus specifically says that He does not pray for the world, but only those who God has given to Him. Later in the chapter He also prays for those who will believe in Him. Again, He doesn't pray for the whole world. Should one ignore these truths that contradict what you have said the verses mean?
Titus 2:11...if the verse literally means by all people every single individual, then all would be saved. That's universalism. But we know everyone isn't saved. So the verse can't possibly mean every single individual. In fact, the term itself is plural...people. It refers to people groups...nations, tribes, kindred, and tongues. This is consistent with the great commission wherein the gospel is to go to the uttermost parts of the world and reach all different peoples. This is different from how God treated all other such groups except Israel in the past.
The same can be done for all the other verses you proffered. There is no promise that God will save every human or even ensure they will hear the gospel. History has demonstrated that this is the case. But heaven will be populated by individuals from every nation, tribe, kindred, and tongue...Revelation 7:9.
While God has been at work reconciling the world to Himself since the introduction of sin, He has not always been working in all places at all times. When Jesus was engaged in His earthly ministry, He said He came for the house of Israel. While He did minister the gospel to a Samaritan village and a few Gentiles, He certainly didn't minister the gospel to every Samaritan or Gentile. Neither was He tasked to do so. He claimed to do only what He saw the Father doing. So if the gospel were truly for all people in all times, either Jesus wasn't actually doing all the Father was doing, or the Father wasn't sharing the gospel with everyone at the time that Jesus was on earth.