Blue Jean Bible,
I appreciate the details.
@Suze beat me to it.
I wrote the following last night and decided to hold off posting this until the next day when I had some sleep.
I don't want to come across as a know it all because I don't. Then I think, I've taken classes since I was a kid so I could help others. Perhaps the information might be of help to someone else reading. It does no good to keep it to myself.
Anyone who suffers IBS of any kind should be cautious of herbal laxatives for the reason you already stated. They can be rough on an already inflamed tissue.
@HopeinHim98 added with senna, when used for the occasional use by the average person with no complications, made another good suggestion. It could be used low dose as a brewed small cup of tea to get things going. I don't recommend it for normal use, but we weren't getting into specifics as much as just making a list. It's really dose dependent. Start small and gradually increase to desired effect.
I've found that some people tolerate it and others don't, so it's good you brought that up. Dr Daniel's formula has had good reports and contains a little bit of Senna in the capsule form too. Some do fine with 1 cap and others may need to work their way up to 4 as advised for them.
Hot peppers are likewise, as they can inflame too, but can be good for circulation.
I often add a habanero (no seeds) to enhance absorption of food nutrients and personal supplements. Your experience may vary.
It really is important to determine why there's constipation to begin with.
Diet, dehydration, medications are the usual reasons for digestive challenges.
When the cause is corrected, there's no need for drastic measures.
I wonder what percentage of gastroenterologists even ask their patients about their diets?