God put His Word in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.
And, it was for good reason.
What we get in English? And read for ourselves?
Can be too misleading if greater and greater accuracy is desired by the believer.
therefore ask, trust God not interpretations in English or other languages of the the original greek written by the Disciples, inspired by God to write them.
God reveals the truth of God's word to his kids, in love and mercy that is what I get.
If, it is not love and mercy, then it it skewed, tainted water
Taking a pure glass of water, Add just a small drop of ink and it be tainted
God, teaches truth, me, people do not, only God does, it is a personal, relationship for each of us. So for me, I see to have Son as risen on tap and have no anger, no resentment, no I am better than anyone else. seeing Luke 21:14-15
This first born flesh I am in is unredeemed, yet redeemed by God Father and Son not me or anyone else ever to me at least
it says to reckon self dead to sin by God for you in risen Son to you, Romans 6 (Acts 17:28)
So, I research, and read and read to know Father and Son only. Can care less for rewards from others as even Paul said that in Galatians, when he was on his way to the disciples for a fellowship handshake
He had Timothy with him, Not circumcised of flesh and said that did not matter to him to be or get circumcised of flesh. Circumcision is of the Heart.
We are made One with Father and Son as Won for us to be One with them. Amazing yes? To me this is, thank you again for your insight sharing, it is appreciated in learning from one another what each other sees for our encouragements, thank you