I do, because I was never taught to connect them the way the Lord gave me insight to do recently, which I have been sharing ever since:
The kerygma proclaims GRFS, which calls for repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Lord, which is an all or nothing decision that occurs at one moment in time. The didache teaches God’s will regarding how saints or those who have been saved should live in order to be a good witness for Christ, which involves learning more of God’s Word throughout one’s lifetime.
A passage teaching this truth is Colossians 2:6-7: “Just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord [kerygma], continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught [didache].”
There is no qualitative difference between faith that accepts God’s saving grace at conversion and faith that accepts God’s working grace while walking/doing good (EPH 2:8-10, 2CR 5:7, 2PT 1:5&10), but only a quantitative difference as each additional moment passes–and of course faith remains non-meritorious during the saint’s entire lifetime.