Saul was rejected by God & another spirit was in him. I'd say NO.
Yes, was as Saul, before Paul
God saw his sincereness under Law. Saul sincerely thought he was doing it right.
His own dead spirit led him
So Father revealed himself to Saul in Risen Son on the road to Damascus
Now if we go back just a month or two, we see Saul consent to Stephan's death, he watched Stephan being stoned to death, and Stephan willing to die and state she sees Father and Son, ready willing and glad to go to death
Now put you there watching this happen. Tell me, who goes to death willingly? Anyone here will do that today?
Then the road to Damascus, and Saul becomes Paul
Are we listening, how would you react if that were you going through that?
I beleive you Father and Son as Won (One) for us all to be new in your Spirit and Truth, dead to this first born me, that wanted to be in charge over everyone else. To not get taken control of by anyone else. Now, though only by you Father, me remaining willingly from me to you, knowing this, it might take a long time in renewing my earth mindset. So teach me one thing at a time to stay out of confusion. Thank you Daddy, PaPa, Father in risen Son Jesus.
Can we from our self beleive this to see this? I assure you, I could never see this by work to do to get or to keep in that comes from religion
God saves. religion corrupts. Religion is about what people are doing or not doing, having people in charge to judge you over it, No thank you, we all put on our pants one leg at a time do we not? Does God see anyone better than another? Nope, not to me
God Father in Son went to that cross once "Once" for us all. First to get reconciled as forgiven 100% is that good news or not? (2 Cor 5:17-20)
then the risen Life, that is where new life I see, right now for each person to believe between God and them personally first. Then the love of God flows through these Kids that God has reconciled (Forgiven) in Love and Mercy of that cross for them to get given this. seeing, the Old Law, the Ten Commands, had to get fulfilled and now is fulfilled first, before the new law of Love could ever enter in us, those that believe see, if not yet see, will. For God does reveal it to us each when it is the best time to see it and be new in it. We grow new unto maturity, yet please not too fast to think you know and become proud, thanks