In other words, 'political correctness' tries to wrap reality around the personal impressions and desires of an individual and has no direct relationship with objective truth. That is the 'method' of 'political correctness'.
Hopefully, this makes sense - at least enough for you to understand what I was trying to get across...
OK, yeah i understand what you mean by the term 'political correctness'
.. but i don't agree with your definition of it lol.
you say it had nothing to do with objective truth, but i don't think that's accurate. you also chose a definition that makes it seem like being 'politically correct' necessarily means identifying with current day american left-leaning political ideology, and I don't think hats accurate either.
for me, when i hear the term politically correct, what i understand is just what i put previously, that it means choosing one's words carefully so as to avoid unnecessary offense. that doesn't mean you need to set the truth aside, and that doesn't mean you necessarily have progressive political views that focus on freedom and tolerance, or any particular view of what kind of policies best benefit the general economy in the long run.
to me it just means that you take the forethought to say for example, "native american" instead of "indian" and recognize that it would be even worse if you say something like "redskin" - - because native american is accurate÷ these are the peoples who were here before the european invaded, destroyed their governments, slaughtered them, and took over all of their land. and because 'indians' is not accurate at all: it's a term that comes from the mistaken idea that when the continent was discovered by europe, they thought they had arrived in indo-china. and because saying something like redskin is racially offensive.
do i have to agree that homosexuality as an acceptable, non-sinful lifestyle in order to be 'politically correct'? do i need to actively promote it or support policies that encourage or facilitate it? absolutely not. i just need to have the common decency to say 'homosexuals' instead of some kind of slur like faggots and dikes.
i don't see any problem with political correctness. to me it's just common decency and respectful communication - - but i think we don't have a shared definition.
and that is the point
@maxwel made; we need to establish common definitions otherwise any dialogue is going to be confused and we will be making arguments that sound like nonsense because we will be at some point talking about completely different things.