Jesus Christ is fulfilling ALL things including the 7 Feasts of Israel. So far, Jesus Christ has fulfilled the first 4 and is about to wrap up the 5th Feast...
Feast 1 - Passover: Jesus is our Passover Lamb - Blood and Body = FINISHED
Feast 2 - Unleavened Bread: Jesus was buried = FINISHED
Feast 3 - First Fruits: Jesus' Resurrection - rose from the dead = FINISHED
Feast 4 - Pentecost: 50 Days after First Fruits - Outpouring of the Holy Spirit = FINISHED
Feast 5 - Trumpets: Gospel preached (blowing of trumpets) time of Gentiles = HAPPENING NOW (almost done)
Rapture occurs here - Jesus returns in the air to get His Bride - the 5 Wise Virgins
Wedding Supper of the Lamb in Heaven
Feast 6 - Day of Atonement: Time of Tribulation Anti-Christ reigns - time of the Jews = NOT HAPPENED YET
Feast 7 - Tabernacles: Jesus Christ returns to Earth to rule and reign for 1,000 years = NOT HAPPENED YET
There are a number of websites that promote such teachings. While some of the above is true, other parts are not.
The primary misunderstanding comes from the misinterpretation of the Hebrew term מֹועֲדֵי/moadave to mean “feasts.” Lev. 23:2 Whereas literally, it means “appointed times” [Strong’s: ‘conventionally yearly’]. Leviticus 23 is the chapter in the OT that describes the Mosaic ceremonial Laws in the most detail. What Leviticus 23 is primarily about:
Leviticus 23:2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say unto them, ‘[These are] the מֹועֲדֵי/appointed times of the LORD, that you shall proclaim them: these [are] holy מִקְרָאֵי/convocations/assemblies; they [are] my appointed times.’”
So Leviticus is primarily about 1) appointed times that are also 2) holy assemblies of all the people. Of these, the chapter specifically mentions seven such days that fulfill both 1) and 2).
In contrast, of the 7 claimed-to-be “feasts” noted above, two – 1) Passover, and 2) Firstfruits Wave Offering – do not fulfill the requirement of being 2) holy assemblies of all the people:
The actual Passover is a sacrifice of a lamb on Nisan 14; whereas the Feast of the Passover takes place on Nisan 15, the first day of the “חַג/festival/Feast of Unleavened Bread.” Lev. 23:6 The list above thus makes one feast into two feasts.
And the Firstfruits Wave Offering is likewise not a חַג/feast: no assembly of the congregation is called for at all – merely one priest. It is only mentioned in one place in the Bible, Leviticus 23:10-15. Which seems strange, seeing that is does foretell in type the raising up/ascent of Christ, the firstfruit of the dead, into heaven.
Here are the 7 מֹועֲדֵי/appointed times of the LORD, that are also holy מִקְרָאֵי/convocations/ assemblies:
Spring assemblies, already fulfilled in type: 1) the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread; first month/Nisan 15. Lev. 23:6-7 Representation: Sacrifice of worldly doctrines (= leaven; Matt. 16:5-12) of the flesh. And thereby, redemption from physical slavery and physical (= the first) death. Temple part: Altar of Sacrifice.
2) the seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread; Nisan 21, being the day Israel passed through the Red Sea and out from under the influence of Egypt. Lev. 23:8 Representation: Water baptism. 1 Cor. 10:1-2 Temple part: Laver of Washing.
3) the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost, seven weeks after the first weekly Sabbath following Nisan 15. Lev. 23:15-21 Bread with new leaven (= the establishment of new doctrine) is offered up in the Temple. Lev. 23:17 Day that YHWH gave the 10 Commandments from Mount Sinai. Representation: Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Temple parts: Holy Place. Lampstand: Holy Spirit anointing. Table of Showbread: the bread/doctrine/Gospel of Christ. Altar of Incense: sacrifices of praise and intercessory prayer.
Autumn assemblies, yet to be fulfilled in type: 4) the Feast of Trumpets, seventh month /Tishri 1. Lev. 23:24-25 Representation: Judgment announced, begins. Temple part: veil between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.
5) the Day of Atonement, Tishri 10. Lev. 23:27-32 Representation: Judgment sealed, for both the righteous and the unrighteous, prior to the resurrection of the dead. Temple parts: Most Holy Place. Ark of the Covenant, whereon the blood of redemption is sprinkled. Lev. 16:14-15
6) the first day of the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles, Tishri 15. Lev. 23:34-36a Representation: Redemption from spiritual slavery and spiritual (= the second) death. Temple parts: Most Holy Place, and the angels whose wings overcover the Ark. “…the One sitting on the throne will spread his Tabernacle over them.” Rev. 7:15; Ex. 37:9 At this time the raptured Church will be “standing before the Throne [of God] and before the Lamb…” Rev. 7:9; Luke 21:36
7) the “Eighth Day,” Tishri 22, the day after the Feast of Tabernacles ends. Lev. 23:36b Representation: New Heavens and New Earth: complete fulfillment of mankind’s redemption. Temple part: “…[there will be] no naos/Holy Sanctuary in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its naos/Holy Sanctuary.” Rev. 21:22
Leviticus 23:37 “These are the [7] מֹועֲדֵי/appointed times of the LORD which you shall proclaim [to be] holy מִקְרָאֵי/convocations/assemblies…”
– and only these. Not the Passover, and not the Firstfruits Wave Offering.