All I see is blanket accusations, ridicule, evasion, misrepresentation, finding offense with at a word with no attempt to discern my meaning, etc.
Oh, so you've been reading your own posts?
Blanket accusations? Yeah, that sounds just like you. You know, anybody who believes that a certain subset of angels had sexual relations with women as the Bible implies is a believer in "pagan mythology, ie, gods having sex with women." Does that ring a bell?
Ridicule? You just asserted that I, an extremely devout, born-again Christian upon whose heart and mind God's word is written, do not have the mind of Christ. No ridicule there, right?
Evasion? Good thing that I was lying in bed when I read that or else I probably would have fallen over backwards and hit my head against the wall. I have asked you MULTIPLE Bible-based questions on this thread alone, and you have repeatedly evaded them.
Misrepresentation? You mean like saying that "marriage" and "procreation" are "synonymous?" Yeah, that would be you, again.
Finding offense with a word? Lol. Go and read it IN CONTEXT. Some of us have read our Bibles, and we are therefore not moved by your gross misinterpretations of scripture. Isaiah was talking about how wicked people made prophets out to be offenders because of the word of the Lord which they had faithfully spoken to others. In other words, it had absolutely nothing to do with calling out somebody who is misusing words contrary to their actual meanings.
Anyhow, you are beginning to bore me.