Do you believe Revelation is literal, physical, spiritual, something in between, or just another completely different perspective! I would love to see your thoughts and your logic behind them.
When reading Revelations, there is a time that it is in reading, While in heaven and here on earth is the perspective I see going on in there. To figure it out exactly, nope, I do not think anyone will. Yet there are those that think they know and got it down. Sorry, how can that be, when evil itself did not see what having or getting Jesus to be killed by the Priests in his day, was doing or going to do? Col. 1,2
If Evil knew Jesus would be risen and never die again and that being dead would and did take away us the people under Law as reconciled to see to uphold the Law as good, then Evil would not have ever encouraged Jesus's death, but it did and he went through that willingly, stressfully but willingly. It was and is for su the People to get freed from under Law. To uphold Law.
Therefore Revelations can not be understood completely. Only Father and Son know what is going on and what will be and what is allowed for now for a righteous reason, for us to stand in, no matter how it might appear now, since God is the one and only one to this day Good.
therefore I read it, and see as it is reading to me from God, sometimes I see I am in Heaven learning this truth and other times back here on earth learning just to love all as called,
If my enemy is hungry feed them the love of God, not tell them they have to do or else attitude of religions all over the world that man has built, Rather the Church (Ecclesia) God has built Hebrews 8:1-4