1 John 1:9
(New King James Version)
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
So I hear a lot of Christians refence this passage thinking they have to go to God for His forgiveness every time they sin. Reads like that, but is that what the passage is really meaning??
First off, notice the word sins is mentioned twice in this passage. The first sins is actually singular and meaning qualitative describing the nature of sin. The second sins is plural meaning quantitative which is describing the works of the flesh. So when you place those meanings into the passage, it will now read...
"If we confess our sin nature, He is faithful and just to forgive our works of the flesh and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
So once we have this understanding, we now know who John is speaking about, people who haven't turned to Christ from sin and not people who have turned to Christ from sin..
So why am I bringing this up??? To help my fellow Christians understand that our past, present and future sins were ALL taking care of on our cross by Christ. I promise you, He never missed one or that you forgot to share one with Him! I promise you that your salvation will not be lost if you forgot one sin to confess and hope that brings peace to someone who was concerned or living in constant worry.
With that said, does that now mean we can just keep on sinning? NO. In fact if you believe you can, then I urge you to examine your heart asap before you join in on your next Communion. Jesus said the righteous will stumble seven times ( meaning continuously making mistakes until spiritual maturity is complete). Dying to self (old sin nature)is all apart of sanctification. I am assuming you look at the cross (un-like Catholics) and notice that God is no longer hanging on our cross, why? Because the work is DONE, you have been FORGIVEN!
But wait.. don't we have to confess to God about our sin we did about an hour ago or last week? My response to that is, yes confession is good, but what do you think God would say about the forgiveness part? Again, Jesus is no longer on the cross anymore meaning.... when you go to your cross with your sin you did today or yesterday, instead of looking for forgiveness, THANK GOD and PRAISE GOD His forgiveness has already been given and that you weren't the one who was placed on your cross. You see, when you keep asking God for forgiveness because of sin like some Christians believe this passage means, it's saying to God that you don't believe Christs work was enough for all time.
Satan can and will use this passage to keep you in a constant uncertainty and at worst doubt of the work Jesus has already done and the forgiveness we have already been given for all time and all sins,
Please feel free to jump in and let me know your thoughts, God bless.
(New King James Version)
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
So I hear a lot of Christians refence this passage thinking they have to go to God for His forgiveness every time they sin. Reads like that, but is that what the passage is really meaning??
First off, notice the word sins is mentioned twice in this passage. The first sins is actually singular and meaning qualitative describing the nature of sin. The second sins is plural meaning quantitative which is describing the works of the flesh. So when you place those meanings into the passage, it will now read...
"If we confess our sin nature, He is faithful and just to forgive our works of the flesh and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
So once we have this understanding, we now know who John is speaking about, people who haven't turned to Christ from sin and not people who have turned to Christ from sin..
So why am I bringing this up??? To help my fellow Christians understand that our past, present and future sins were ALL taking care of on our cross by Christ. I promise you, He never missed one or that you forgot to share one with Him! I promise you that your salvation will not be lost if you forgot one sin to confess and hope that brings peace to someone who was concerned or living in constant worry.
With that said, does that now mean we can just keep on sinning? NO. In fact if you believe you can, then I urge you to examine your heart asap before you join in on your next Communion. Jesus said the righteous will stumble seven times ( meaning continuously making mistakes until spiritual maturity is complete). Dying to self (old sin nature)is all apart of sanctification. I am assuming you look at the cross (un-like Catholics) and notice that God is no longer hanging on our cross, why? Because the work is DONE, you have been FORGIVEN!
But wait.. don't we have to confess to God about our sin we did about an hour ago or last week? My response to that is, yes confession is good, but what do you think God would say about the forgiveness part? Again, Jesus is no longer on the cross anymore meaning.... when you go to your cross with your sin you did today or yesterday, instead of looking for forgiveness, THANK GOD and PRAISE GOD His forgiveness has already been given and that you weren't the one who was placed on your cross. You see, when you keep asking God for forgiveness because of sin like some Christians believe this passage means, it's saying to God that you don't believe Christs work was enough for all time.
Satan can and will use this passage to keep you in a constant uncertainty and at worst doubt of the work Jesus has already done and the forgiveness we have already been given for all time and all sins,
Please feel free to jump in and let me know your thoughts, God bless.
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