Because your interpretations are incorrect, either due to poor teaching or coming from your imagination.
See... this serves a purpose.
When we stand before the Lord, all speculation. No matter how dogmatic, convinced, and emotional we were about it.
Will be finally burned up as wood, hay, and stubble. And, heard no more.
Yet, as we judged others, and projected upon them our own faults?
It will become a part of the foundational basis for how He will judge us.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. "As you judge… you shall be judged."
I accept the fact that His ways are not my ways. He says so.
And, suspect, I will find out that some things I was sure about… (and others agreed with me)
will be found not to be the truth at all.
Poor teachings is no excuse for wrong thinking.
For we have all been exposed to poor teaching at various points in our lives. All of us.
Those who saw through them (by walking in grace) will be used to leave those who
grabbed unto the poor teachings gladly, to be without excuse.
What's happening here is going on record in Heaven.
Winners and losers are being sorted out before the Lord for us to see,
who will use our own words either against us, or for God's glory.
So conflicts will happen.
It is a part of God's plan for determining His evaluation by showing us the evidence
that we are now producing before God and his angels.
Merry Christmas everybody!