So, one of my co-workers is transgender (M to F), and recently at work his name officially was changed to his preferred female name. I've thought about it and have two perspectives:
1) People change their names, it's a normal thing. Calling him by his preferred name isn't a big deal.
2) The name he's preferring to be called by now is to match how he is identifying as a female. Me calling him by this name would be harmful, even though from his perspective it'd be affirming and accepting.
If you were in my shoes, how would you handle the situation and why?
This is a difficult situation. I had a similar incidence a few years ago. Although, the person had already "transitioned" before I met them and before they began working at the establishment I was. I called the individual by their preferred feminine name that they were introduced to me as, but still referred to them as "he" when speaking about him (even though he was a male wanting to be known as a female). Many of my other coworkers referred to him as "she." ... I admit, I was a little hesitant at potential backlash. But I couldn't in good conscience call him a female when I knew his biological gender defined by God was male. To me it would be in the field of lying, or going along with a lie/deception. The truth is sometimes hard and even painful to stand by, but it is the truth that sets us free.
Even so, I think it is possible for someone to resist name and pronoun change requests out of hate or a despising of the individual, but that isn't truly beneficial or right either.
As in your OP, it sounds as though your motive is sincere and that you are concerned for the welfare of this coworker and that honoring their request may prove harmful to them and/or others. I would encourage you to explore the reason(s) why you think it would be harmful. If you were in his shoes (but knowing the Biblical truth you know), what would you want someone to do? If your conscience is telling you not to change the name you call him by, it mayy be that the Holy Spirit is guiding that conviction... But it could come with consequences.
If I were in your shoes I'd probably pray about it- asking God what He wanted me to do, giving Him an opportunity to speak to me thru His word, and asking some wise counselors in my life for advice. If his name was legally changed, I may go ahead and call him by the new name *unless I sensed a solid check in my conscience bc I believed it was wrong to or unless I believed God was guiding me not to adopt the new name. But I would still refer to him as a he. Names can be changed but, I believe, our gender at birth that God chooses is set in stone no matter what we do or how we feel.
Hope this gives food for thought and doesn't mislead you at all. I pray God gives you clarity on what to do. Thanks for sharing your honest life question with us.