That's rather my understanding. I'm don't know whether any of the books of the Apocrypha are blessed to have been given through the work of the Holy Spirit to some follower of God, but I haven't yet found anything within them that isn't already testified to among the 66 books that we have. And honestly, any doctrine that is supported solely on some piece from the extrabiblical accounts would be questionable in my understanding.
That doesn't mean we can't gain insight and wisdom from extra-Biblical works like the Apocrypha and Jasher as @FollowerofShiloh expressed. I was so blessed to have an excellent pastor during my formative undergraduate days who encouraged me to devout serious study of the Bible and make it my "foundation of knowledge" that everything else I learned should be built upon. That was great advice, and I have learned so much from great Christian writers like Tennyson, Lewis, and Eliot through the years.
As much as I enjoy reading other literature, I still spend the bulk of my spare reading/study/writing time to the Bible. It never fails to offer new insights and inspiration, and frankly I need it to survive this crazy life and world. It is food for our whole being, and coupled with the Holy Spirit, there isn't another "book" out there that is living and active for strengthening us to think and live like Jesus Christ.
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