I agree wholeheartedly with this. I am sick to bleeping death of Trump-voters being equated to cultists. This is thinking brought on by the brain-washing effect of the propagandistic "news" media.
I voted for Trump in 2016 holding my nose. I know what Progressivism is. It is candy-wrapped fascism. Trump is an obnoxious New Yawka, much like myself. That doesn't make me -- or him -- a dictator. But, Hillary Clinton, a self-described "progressive", is anti-American, anti-constitutional, and therefore an enemy.
I voted for Trump in 2020 because his record was great. He turned out to be much better than I ever expected. When he told us that they're coming for us, he's just in the way, he was 110% correct. The modern Dems are Communo-Fascists. If you're going to not support the only legitimate (worldly / political) weapon we have, then you will be blamed for the fall of the US.
My voting for Trump was not cultic... it was cathartic. Frankly, the anti-Trump crap I read on this site (and hear from too many who have no clue what's happening or why it's happening) is indicative of TDS.