We live in a fallen world, where every system, of every kind, is broken, or corrupted, to some degree.
If we were to follow your perspective to it's ultimate conclusions, the perspective that we are obligated to opt out of broken or corrupted systems...
we'd have to opt out of ALL human systems... all the way down to our banks, internet providers, and phone companies.
I believe your position is entirely well intended, but I also feel it is ultimately untenable.
God Bless.
Here is where i stand.
I believe all have come to rely on the many corrupted systems, our ability to correct them, and those systems to solve the problems this nation faces, when we should be focusing on what the Lord has commanded us to do.
I pray daily for this country, its leaders, its people, and thank God for all the blessing I have enjoyed in my 80 years.
I am still very active in local and state government affairs.
I will vote in this national election as I have done since 1966, but this year I will not vote for the Dem or Rep candidate for president.
We are where we are today because we have voted for the lesser of evil for a very long time.
It will not change until we all say enough is enough, I will longer be a part of this madness.
To vote for Trump or Biden is , in my opinion, saying I approve of this man being in charge of this nation I love so much.
I know I am in a very small minority, even among my many friends, but I must do what I must do and encourage each of you to do the same.