I don't know that you can have a rational conversation about this subject, so I'm going to stop trying. You accused me of "putting words in your mouth", which I didn't.
You accused me of looking at Supremacist websites, which I didn't (unless you're counting
www.adl.org ?)
And you tend to automatically revert to ad hominem, despite my reasonable claim that the supporters of a long-dead, justly convicted and subsequently executed pedophile are a hate group. At the very least, this group hates children ('though they pretty much seem to hate everyone who doesn't support their own perverse religious beliefs).
I would suggest you do some research on the group/s you seem to idolize, or at least vehemently defend. This doesn't mean simply read what these groups say about themselves, or what they have probably paid other people to say about them. Your own research, involving your own thinking, and without invoking circular reasoning.
Other than the above, we're unlikely to ever find common ground on the subject until or unless these types openly attack you or yours.