New Birth Analogy (Pt 2)
This morning when I opened my bible to have my devotions, God providentially had me open to 1Peter 1. In this kind of situation when I don't intentionally open to a specific place in scripture where I have a ribbon or marker, I pay attention to God's leading; for more often than not this has proven to be an indication that the Lord wants to bless me by teaching me something that previously has gone unnoticed by me. And indeed, I was blessed greatly this morning for doing so; for the Lord had something very special to reveal to me this day. And this is what I would like to share with everyone.
There are three passages in chapter 1 that I'd like to briefly discuss and I'll quote each passage. We'll look at each in their order.
1 Peter 1:1a-2
1:1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To God's elect, strangers in the world... 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood...
This one short passage is bursting at the seams with soteriology! If we look carefully, we'll find this one passage affirms my earlier New Birth Analogy. Let's briefly break it down.
1. Peter is obviously writing to the saints -- primarily Jewish believers at that.
Order of Words or Phrases in Scripture are Usually Important Logically and/or Chronologically for Right Understanding.
A. In fact, the same must be said for how writers of scripture present their arguments, i.e. logical flow.
B. In the first part of v. 2, Peter speaks of the "forknowledge" of God in eternity. God's eternal PURPOSE for his elect.
C. The second part of v. 2 talks of the MEANS of achieiving the Father's Purpose through the agency of the Holy Spirit.
D. The third part of v.2 speaks to the ultimate OBJECTIVE of the Purpose and the Means, which is Obedience to Christ.
E. And the final thing we learn is that all three Persons of the Godhead are involved in the elect's salvation.
So, we can easily see the logical and chronological order of events here. Peter starts out with the Father's purpose in eternity, how the Father achieives that purpose in temporal reality by his Spirit, and the what the ultimate object of his purpose was in eternity past, which is obedience to his Son.
What I really want focus on here in this passage is the MEANS to obedience to obedience to Christ and he sprinkling of is blood. But first, the obedience to Christ is nothing less than obdience to Christ's Gospel. This is the obeidence of faith (Rom 16:26) at which time the elect are "sprinkled by his blood". That is to say, the elect are forgiven their sins, for their sins have been washed away by the precious blood of the Lamb. So, this part of the passage teaches us that obedience to the Gospel, obedience to the Truth is absolutely necessary for salvation.
But so is the "sanctifying work" of the Holy Spirit! What Peter is saying here is that Spirit of God was actively, intimately, personally and lovingly involved in every aspect of the elect's salvation. The Spirit
actively worked to bring the elect to a state of holiness, which ultimately was achieved when they obeyed the Gospel of Jesus. The Holy Spirit was
actively working IN the lives of Peter's audience (the chosen ones) to achieve the goal of
THEIR obedience to the Son. And this work is ongoing! It's not just a one-time work! The Holy Spirit was in their lives from the very beginning -- before they even reached the point of obedience to the Gospel. His sanctifying work was nothing less than the
indispensable means to achieve this ultimate goal, i.e. to bring them to obedience --
at which point they became new creatures in Christ, i.e. born again!
So, since the Holy Spirit was in the lives of Peter's audience from the very beginning of their salvation, it must be asked: Did the Holy Spirit quicken the spiritually dead elect to enable them to move toward Son? Was the Spirit of the Living God moving live people toward obedience to the Gospel or was he was he merely nudging spiritual zombies, hoping they would positively respond to his work so that He could finally impart life to them? Or is the Holy Spirit so impotent that He could only hope the Father's elect would respond as the Father planned in eternity? Since this passage teaches that this ministry of the Spirit was his sanctifying work --
then this tells me that he quickened the Father's elect so that they could and would willingly and freely move toward the Son. And at this point -- become born again! Otherwise, how would the dead be able to move unless they had already been made alive? And since alive, then this means they were spiritually
reunited, reconnected to the Author of Life -- through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Remember: Adam came into this world as a
living soul because God had breathed into the him the Breath of Life!
And this brings us to the next passage, which further nails down Peter's statement and my earlier analogy.
1 Peter 1:3
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Peter in contemplating what God has just revealed to him, cannot help but break out in praise to God the Father and his Son. Then he succinctly sums up what he just finished saying in the first two verses by telling his audience that "he has given us NEW BIRTH....through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." Can we not all see now the logical and chronological flow to Peter's words? Peter doesn't mention the New Birth
until after he speaks of God's foreknowledge, the Spirit's work of sanctification and the elect's obedience to the Son.
And then finally...
1 Peter 1:22-23
Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.
Here Peter confirms what I said ealier about what obeidence to the Son is about: It's obedience to His Gospel! The Gospel Truth! And obedience to this Truth,
through faith, is always the final stage in a believer's regenerated soul, for it is the manifestation of Life that heretofore was concealed in the womb, in a manner speaking. It is at this stage that the believer himself becomes consicous of his new life in Christ when he cries out to the Lord to save him. (Does a living infant cry out before or after he exits his mother's womb?) And when this new life makes its entrance into the world, don't others acknowldge it, witness it and rejoice over it? And so it it is with everyone's New Birth in the Lord. There is even much rejoicing in heaven in the presence of God's angels over every such birth (Lk 15:10).