I'm assuming you are thinking of the verses where God called out to Adam, "...Where are you?" and "Have you eaten from the tree....?"
there you go 😊
They need to read this in both the niv and KJV
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
Genesis 3 niv
10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”
11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
14 So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,
So here we have man living in present time with God
Where he did not know what Adam or eve had done.
After this he set punishment on them,
And sent them to live outside of his time, ie before his present time, so he could know what they would do before they did it.