none of the things you list are proof that the king james translation is inerrant nor the only permissable translation into the pagan language we call english,
Actually, it does. If you have any basic understanding about how statistical probabilities work, you would know that such Mathematical miracles in the Bible are not random chance or meaningless discoveries.
You said:
and most of them are flat out lies:
Not true.
You said:
- the 1611'th time the tetragrammaton occurs in the Hebrew is in Joshua 2:23. it is in the Torah only 14,89 times, so your count must be false.
Uh, I was referring to the English word "LORD." This word is the 1611th mention of LORD and it just so happens to take place in Deuteronomy 16:11.
You said:
it is not proof of anything even if it were the 1611th time a word is found -- 1611 is not a Biblically significant number at all -- this is pure secular numerology with no basis in scripture.
There is so much more to this discovery than you realize. I would recommend checking out Brandon Peterson's video below.
Watch the video, and then tell me it is a lie.
You said:
- verse numbers are uninspired and a much later addition to the Bible
Do you believe the apostles had a completed Bible?
When do you believe the Bible came into existence?
Also, nowhere did I claim that verse numbers are a part of the original text.
That does not mean God has not moved with the times and helped His people to have them.
Yes, I know. The verse numbers were added by a man, but I believe God was involved because we see too many unexplanable patterns involving such things. Take for example chapter numbers. I know that Exodus 33 is the chapter God shows His back parts to Moses because there are 33 bones in our spine. Revelation 13:18 talks about counting as a part of wisdom and the mark of the beast (666). Is it just another coincidence that the 666th chapter also talks about counting as a part of wisdom? (See: Ecclesiastes 7). And it doesn't stop. You could keep going on this stuff for a very long time. No other book has such Mathematical miracles on the level that the KJV has.
You said:
- you have no basis for adding them together at all other than to try to find your magic occult number
The Bible as it exists today (the KJV) has chapter and verse numbers in it. Most Bibles do. In fact, I do have biblical grounds to count because that is what Revelation 13:18 tells you to do.
Revelation 13:18 (KJV)
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number
is Six hundred threescore
and six."
It says to him who has the understanding to count. Understanding of counting. You are supposed to know that the number of a man is already 6 and that is what makes up the number 666. Read Revelation 13:18 in the KJV several times in prayer, and get back to me. You will not see it unless your mind is open to what the text says.
You said:
- these are NOT the only passages which express that man lives by the word of God, not bread -- that's a deliberate lie. see also for example John 6:63, 6:68; Psalm 119:25, 107, Job 23:12, etc etc
Uh, surely you should know I am talking about the exact phrase that says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Job is close but it is still not giving us the same wording as the three verses I mentioned. Yes, the same general truth is expressed in Job, but it is not the precise wording as found in those three verses I pointed out. The other verses you mentioned talk about living by the Word of God, but no mention of bread is part of it. I am talking about the actual phrase and not a general truth. Surely you must realize that is what I was talking about. Nowhere did I state the general truth but the actual verses that make that statement.
You said:
- mt. Fenagri is 1,585 meters not 1,611
First, you spelled it wrong. It's Mount Fengari and not Mount Fenagri.
Second, according to various websites on Greece, it says it is 1,611 meters high.
You said:
Paul took lots of journeys, why would this one be prophetic of a translation ??
Acts 16:11, points ahead to the 1611 translation and the island he stopped by had a mountain on it that was 1, 611 meters high.
That's three 1611s.
- a straight line from Traos to Samothrace doesn't go anywhere near England! it goes close to Copenhagen!
View attachment 261350
My bad, I should have said, “Neapolis” as the end destination and the geodesic line continues beyond that to England.
You said:
verse numbers were added in 1509, they are not inspired
I am not claiming verse numbers are inspired. However, we can see the hand of God upon them because of the many Mathematical miracles attached to them. Facts are facts. You can ignore them if you like.
You said:
- 176 = 11*2^4 -- there's no reason to arbitrarily assign meaning to something that was meaningless in the first place and hasn't been completely prime factorized. more BS occultic "number searching"
Not at all. Again, read Revelation 13:18 several times in prayer.
You said:
- Psalm 119 is far removed from Psalm 103. saying "Ps 119 is "close" is utterly meaningless.
16 chapters away is not that far; Especially in light of the overall size of the Bible. The point here is that Psalms 119 is close to the middle of the Bible. It’s not exact, but it’s close if you were to deal in percentages.
You said:
- God wrote Psalm 138 in Hebrew, not the pagan language we call english.
But nobody truly knows Biblical Hebrew and Greek and God knows this and so He would have provided His words for us today in the world language. To say so otherwise, means God failed to keep His promises. Jesus said Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but His words will not pass away. His words would have passed away if they were only preserved in the original Greek because such words does not do any good to help anyone to understand what He said to be held accountable to them (See; John 12:48).
You said:
in God's inspired language, the psalm has 62 words
Rudolf is a German anti-Semitic scholar who created a Revised Hebrew text based on unorthodox Hebrew manuscripts (i.e., The Hebrew Ben Asher manuscripts). Rudolf’s work is called the Biblia Hebraica (BHK), a critical edition of the Hebrew, which was published in 1906, subsequently revised and renamed as the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (1977), and now the Biblia Hebraica Quinta (2004). Rudolf was not a Christian, but he was a German rationalist. Rudolf did not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. He used the Ben Asher Text instead of the Ben Chayyim Text to create his Hebrew text. This Hebrew text is the basis of the Old Testament Modern English bible translations we have today (Note: Kittel’s work is updated, but it was not radically changed - See this article
here). Compared to Rudolf’s work vs. the traditional received text that King James Bible uses, there are thousands of changes in the Old Testament. Now, Gerard Kittel (who is the younger brother of Rudolf Kittel) edited the 10-volume standard reference work used in the N.T. Greek word studies entitled "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament.” Almost without exception, all translations, including the NIV translators, relied on and referred to Kittel for his judgment when selecting words in their translation.
Gerhard Kittel joined the Nazi party in 1933 and, the same year, began working on his 10-volume Greek Word Theological Dictionary until completed in 1944. At this time, he was taking a leadership role in the Nazi organization and became a key contributor to their propaganda journal. He wrote six of the eight volumes before publication was cut short by the end of the war. He was Hitler's hired man. He recommended in his writings that all German Jews be dismissed from their jobs, stripped of their German citizenship, and their property confiscated. Kittel was tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his key part in the extermination of two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. It is amazing that this was hidden from those who were seeking Greek definitions from a 10-volume set of books penned during the time of a Jewish-hating Nazi. Unfortunately, this 10-volume set appears in the majority of the pastors’ libraries today. [6.]
You said:
in the kj translation the psalm has 172 words, not 1,611
Nope. I copy and pasted the words of the KJV from into a word counter. This KJV is the Pure Cambridge Edition many Christians believe is the final purified KJV.