Granted, I believe the KJV Translators were under “Selective Temporal Inspiration.” Meaning at times, they operated by the understanding of the Holy Spirit and at other times, they were operating by their own carnal thinking in trying to resolve things. We see this in Scripture with Peter, and John the Baptist. Peter had at one time said that Jesus is the Son of God but this truth was revealed to him by God the Father. Yet, at another time, Peter's mind did not operate by God when he desired to prevent Jesus in going to the cross. Jesus said, Get behind me, Satan. John the Baptist declared Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Yet, at another point in time while he was in prison, he was asking if Jesus was the One who would come or should they look for another.
So the KJV translators had received inspiration or understanding from God at select points in time, and in the end, God ensured by His promise of Preservation that the right words would have been selected in their work in 1611.
So the KJV translators had received inspiration or understanding from God at select points in time, and in the end, God ensured by His promise of Preservation that the right words would have been selected in their work in 1611.