Um. I see.
The actual dichotomy is Adam or Christ. This includes all who is alive and who have ever been alive.
This is the understanding of Romans 5 (LINK)
While is is not wrong to say some of Israel will be in Christ while some will not, it is not a complete view: this truth is axiomatic for all of humankind.
However, it seems you are focused on making a point rather than inviting discussion. If not, please forgive me. If you want to discuss this further I am certainly willing.
The actual dichotomy is Adam or Christ. This includes all who is alive and who have ever been alive.
This is the understanding of Romans 5 (LINK)
While is is not wrong to say some of Israel will be in Christ while some will not, it is not a complete view: this truth is axiomatic for all of humankind.
However, it seems you are focused on making a point rather than inviting discussion. If not, please forgive me. If you want to discuss this further I am certainly willing.
If God tells the descendents of Israel that he will make them a holy nation and a kingdom of priests.I fully except his word. .
Exodus 19:6
And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.