I remember reading somewhere that we are not supposed to consider what the person we give to does with their gift. But I cannot, for the life of me, remember WHERE it is? Does ANYONE know? no lectures please... I just wanna know WHERE it is in The Bible. Thank you!
I think the CONCEPT is there, but not sure that actual verse is.
The Temple is a good example. Jesus gave a Temple tax, and commended the poor woman who gave all she had. Even though He knew the Pharisees were misusing the funds in various ways.
So on the macro, giving to your Church, or an organization in some sense we do what the Lord asked us, and it is incumbent upon the receiver to rightly use the money.
But in the micro, we should probably be more discerning. You wouldn’t want to just give a drug addict money for instance. That’s not to say you wouldn’t help them though in other ways.