My perspective is the word of God. That's how I was saved shortly before my 21st birthday. If there is no declaration of who Christ is, His death and resurrection, no conviction of sin and no call to receive Him, there is no gospel. So what is your take on the Super Bowl ad?
You know, I had a very personal salvation experience at the age of 5. I knew nothing except I should accept Christ as my 'personal savior' which I heard in Sunday School.
Thankfully, God accepted me into His family and has kept me up until now. According to you, I was not saved at 5 cause I did not have my biblical ps and qs lined up. Sorry, but dogmatic people often stand in the way between the heart and God
At the cross, the thief on one of the other crosses apparently said 'Lord remember me' and it was enough, Many examples in scripture of salvation where people did not meet your personal qualifications for salvation.
You may not like the fact that God saves with or without all the 'facts' lined up, but He does and He leads us from there. No one has all the goods from the moment they call upon the Lord, Christ, Jesus, God, Jehovah or whatever name passes their lips.