Sorry but none of that is Biblical, Jesus came to the earth, He is God and most people didn't believe in Him even after they witnessed the miracles, and saw and heard everything He said and did.
So we must conclude that no amount of evidence will be enough to convince someone who is spiritually blind and they don't have the gift to believe, because they are not of the elect of God.
If a person is not one of Gods elect, they will go to the grave as unbelievers. No matter how much evidence you present before their eyes, they are sealed for destruction. God is the only One with the power to decide who comes into His paradise, no man will ever have one iota of influence over Gods decision.
Here is where you are wrong [and most evangelicals of all ages Catholic/Protestant] you say "they go to their graves unbelievers, they are sealed for destruction"
Now the bible does not say so.
There is only 1 final judgement you'll agree. John calls it the great white throne judgement, in Matt 25 it is the sheep and goats.
In BOTH these scriptures people are judged according to what they have done. The sheep did well the goats not so much.
The church is not here except that God will bring us with Him when He comes to judge. John says we were in the first resurrection [blessed are they] John says we are passed over from judgement to life. We will have been raptured 1, 000 years before this second resurrection, we will have reigned with Christ. THEREFORE
Therefore whoever they are these sheep who find mercy on that day, they are not the church, they are a different bunch from those who Jesus calls "these My brethren." NO WAY are these the church, so who are they?
They are the meek who will inherit the earth, the new earth. We belong in heaven, these who were judged by the deeds inherit the earth.
WHO says so? ... ME, I say so. I will NEVER believe that billions of human souls will be in hell. The wicked will be in hell and I'm not afraid to preach it. The reason folks find this doctrine so difficult to preach [except from a pulpit] is because they feel instinctively that it is wrong, the Holy Spirit is convicting them that it is wrong even as they speak.