And that's fine. Respect on CC... a new concept
I do have a different take on this, as you know. I do not live with the BBC on, so there's no way I can analyze it with a totally informed mind. However, whatever I've heard from them is generally anti-American, anti-traditional. The same holds true for the corrupt NY Times, Washington Post, Guardian, etc. (I say "traditional" as a born-againer and as someone who believes in the US constitution.)
I am also not unaware of even my favorite media sources' biases. I know FNC leans right -- even though lately it seems to be caving to woke pressures.. not a good sign. But, you have to go somewhere, and find something / someone you trust, and use your own reason to filter out the garbage. Also, it is good to know history. This way, you yourself may be better equipped to analyze current events.
What I see today has the hallmarks of a Chinese-esque cultural revolution. This is not just here, but in many western countries previously opposed to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. "Social justice" riots (antifa/BLM) resemble Hitler's SA, Mussolini's Black Shirts and Mao's Red Guard. Dividing a society up and creating strife and division through oppressor / victim (used to be class, now it's race, sexual orientation, etc.) is also classically Marxist. Using instruments of justice to punish political opponents, creating / exploiting crises to create fear in the public so they submit to authorities, creating chaos in the streets by letting criminals out, etc., all communo-fascist tactics.
All of this and more is showing a dark authoritarian revolution taking place, and only FNC, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, etc., are doing anything to call it out. The other "news" sources in this thread's poll are throwing all of this cover and trying to make the conservative elements look like the "enemies of democracy". This is also a Saul Alinsky tactic of accusing your opposition of what you are doing, and it shows that much of the media in the US (and arguably elsewhere) is the enemy of the people, not a watchdog for them.