I am in no way a KJVO however,
There are no errors in the word of God. There are what is known as Copiest. Discrepancies but no errors.
The KJV is next to the NIV pre1984, NASB, and other moderate translations like reading the same. Yet the KJ is a version.
I would choose the KJV over those Liberal translations any day or progressive translation.
Progressive Christianity is a postliberal theological movement within Christianity that, in the words of Reverend Roger Wolsey, "seeks to reform the faith via the insights of post-modernism and a reclaiming of the truth beyond the verifiable historicity and factuality of the passages in the Bible by affirming the truths within the stories that may not have actually happened."
The idea is that one attacks the KJV yet does not provide anything that completely removes the effective work of the word of God seen in the KJV.
Yet the same criticism, when applied to other translations, has similar or the same copiest discrepancies.
Does the KJV do the following:
- The fall of man? Yes,
- the plan to redeem man back to God? Yes
- Show Jesus as Lord and Savior? Yes
- The work of the Cross? Yes
- Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes
- The mission of the church? Yes
- The return of the Lord? Yes
What is the issue with the KJV?
The KJV records Jesus as the Only way, the only Truth, and the only Life.
The KJV is very clear on who Christ is and our need for salvation through Him alone.
Please show me one translation. that doesn't show those same truths and is worth being called the bible?
The foundational truth of the Word of God is plainly seen in the KJV and there are in others.
I am always concerned when those who speak weaken a translation based on liberal methods. That is how we ended up with postmodernism and progressive mindsets.
The testimony of the KJV is praise-worthy, and many have come to know Christ as Lord and Savior from studying the word of God using the KJV. The idea of "errors" claimed by some liberal theologians shows no humility or reverence for the word of God.
God has placed His word above his name and is able to Keep it. God allowed the Hebrew and Greek languages to become dead to make them alive again so will could see it in every language the word of GOD.
The NIV pre-1984
I use it all with prayer and study. I don't listen to a bunch of YouTube Guru's or self-professing theologians.
FYI, Peter and Paul disagreed, yet they were one on Christ. That is textual Criticism we must ask in all Texts and translations.
Where do they stand on the Person of Christ? Not to
"strain at a gnat but swallow a camel."