One of the hardest things for most to understand is that in Yeshua we have the person, and the Spirit. As with all of man kind we hold in our self, (if we are true beliveres) 3 things. We hold the person, that is what everyone sees. We hold our spirit, that is what makes us human. For a true believer how we also hold a part of HaShem in the form of His Spirit. That is what a true follower of HaShem is lead by, or should be anyway. After all HaShem is the one Who has offered us salvation from the start. It way to salvation has not changed, it by faith, followed by obedience. As was shown in the post on this topic.
Now as we should have enough understanding to carry this through, both with , logic, scripture, and understanding, it does little good to say what a person thinks when we have no true understanding of it. We have no authority to condemn others, or say they are going to hell, so why bother with that?
Anyway. As this is meant to save time when we get back to looking at who, how, and by what standard we will be judged, lets get to it.
To look at Yeshua and Who He is, we must look at what the word tells us. Not what we hope it has to say, what it really does say. As stated many times, every passage must up hold the whole of the Word. If not then we have a misunderstanding of said passage. More often that not this is due to a failure on the part of the one reading to read every word. In many cases they fail to even keep the passage in context with the same passage. Please keep this in mind as we move on.
Unlike other post, we will start with what has been said already. I dislike repeating myself, though at times it is faster than trying to find a new way to say the same thing over.
As we pointed out, HaShem had told the serpent that the seed of the women would crush his head, and he would strick the heal of this seed. Trust me, it is better to be hit in the heal than the head. If anyone thinks this is wrong, go try it. No really don't, you will hurt your self.
As we know that a human doesn't give birth to a real god, we must ask, how does Yeshua then come from a women, yet is God? Here is where things get a bit confusing for many people.
Jhn 1:1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
We must keep in mind that in this passage we find the Word is HaShem, and there is no separation in the two, given or hinted at.
Jhn 1:2He existed in the beginning with God.
Some may wish to say that this shows they are not the same, yet they over look what we found in Gen. 1:1. Remember EloHim is the plural form of His name. This doesn't mean He is 3 separate beings. If it did, then we would be right to say HaShem lied to us when He said He was one. Remember going over that? It is good to understand that if any part of the Word is wrong, none of it can be trusted, and our salvation becomes questionable at best.
So when we read the above passage, we do good to keep in mind HaShem is all powerful, and can do things we may never understand. That inclueds being the great I Am. (Yahovah if you wish) He showed Himself to Abraham as a man, A burning bush to Moses, so why is so hard to understand He can live a life inside of man? As to the word being with Him, well my words go with me everyplace I go. They show others what kind of person I am, just as everyone's words do. Yet in the end, some wish to speak for HaShem, and if anyone doesn't bow to them, or their teachings, they think they can send that person to hell. As for me, I will let HaShem be the judge of my actions, intent, faith, and understanding of His Word. As we all should.
Jhn 1:3God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
As we know, the Word tells us what we need to know, it is on us to seek an understanding that stands with the intent of any passage. As for me, I really don't worry about what others may think. On that note, As we have seen in the first verese of this chapter, The Word is HaShem. We can't get around that with out first makeing up our mind that the Word doesn't know what it is talking about. So this passage is clear to us, that if creation was the work of HaShem's vocal command, then creation is His Word forming that which He intended. So true, nothing was created except by Him.
Jhn 1:10He came into the very world he created, but the world didn't recognize him.
As to our understanding, HaShem came into this world, and though He was in the form of a man, no one know Him. If it His creation, as we know from Gen.1:1. So why try to change it?
Jhn 1:12But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
Jhn 1:13They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
I am thankfull that we are reborn, and not made dead as some claim. After all being dead means we don't know anything.
Ecc 9:5The living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are they remembered.
It is hard to live the life of the walking dead, and learn, much less say HaShem is your God.
Mat 22:32‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ So he is the God of the living, not the dead.”
Now I know at lest one person that will wish to start an argument over that, so let them argue with the Word, as I have simply placed before you what the Word said.
However as we must make note of something here, just to clear the air a bit. Please read the passage from Mat once more will you? You will find that it opens with I Am, then moves to say He is. In the minds of some this is speaking of 2 different people. Yet the passage doesn't read that way. It is clearly speaking of the same person, that being HaShem. As this understand fits with the following,
Jhn 1:14So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son.
True this can be seen as speaking of 2 people, yet does it really? Truth is yse it does. You see what we find here is the Spirit of HaShem taking on the form of a man. Yet the man we are talking of was born of a women. HaShem has no need to be born, He can simply say, Here I am in mans form look and see. Everyone would look, and they would all see the same thing. A man standing there talking. Just as Abraham did.
Jhn 1:17For the law was given through Moses, but God's unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.
Now we hope you remember, (or that we remebered to bring it up) that HaShem even in the Torah showed His love of man kind. Yes He did bring judgement when we got so lost there was no hope, much like we see in the world today. So for one to try and use this passage to show that HaShem changed His mind, ever though we are told He is not man that He should change His mind. Num.23:19, 1Sam: 15:29, Heb. 6:17 just to name a few.
Though some may see this as confusion, or an attempt to diminish Torah they would be wrong. After all it was from Torah that most of this thread is based. Why? It is from the foundation of the earth that Yeshua was set to be our sacrifice for sin. So to think that HaShem changed His mind about mans need for blood to cover/wash away sin is based on a pipe dream.
Lots more on this to follow, as we still to look at how it all works, and Who does what in our judgement.