YES! More people need to say this! You can't just play Christian for one hour out of 168! You cannot dabble in god! You cannot choose to have two masters! If you are on fire for god you will lose a LOT! Your friends will leave, you wil be looked weird at. But I know it is well worth it, for I'm going to heaven and the world will not.
you gotta take off for sleep periods, rest periods, meals, showers, housework, etc.
Still though even if you have a 50hr/week job (or career) that still leaves around 40 when I took the time to calculate it. Gotta calculate "you time" (for most people I've met).
This might actually be a good standalone thread discussion because everyone has different needs.
Some people they might take well over an hour to "wind down" each day before bed and some people conk out when their head hits the pillow practically.
Also consider that while some people spend 2 or so hours/week in "organized church" that doesn't mean they don't have a walk with the Lord outside of church.
Personally, I feel like I project my own frustrations (in unmet needs) on others at times. Some people may only need a tiny bit each week corporately and others might need to live in constant community at a retreat center or something similar. If I'm that retreat center type person it is easy to view "sunday christians" with a bias. I find it quite helpful to just give the benefit of the doubt and realize there are variables (children for instance) that I (being single/childless) don't keep as a forefront factor.