I've been doing the rounds of the internet religious forums for the past 20 years, it's great fun helping those who ask for it, for example here's some of the feedback I get..

Spannerose - "I would like you to know that the result of reading your posts I am left with the desire to pick up my bible for the first time in years"
Kierri - "That was one of the best explanations I've ever heard!"
MonkGirl - "Wow, thank you! That is really comforting...and all I really needed to hear!"
Chrysalis55- "Just want to say, I love your posts and your messages not only inspire me, sometimes they make me laugh"
Evenflow- I just LOVE this post You have made me smile BIG TIME this morning. Good for you and what a great attitude you have to life xx"
Apple Pie - "Come on over to 4church, we could do with your input and your humour"
Lillian - "please come back..it's nice having you on the board"
But on the other hand here's some of the feedback I get from people who don't want to be helped..

Steve H - "You're a narrow-minded unchristian unqualified know-nothing silly little man and work-shy racist layabout"
Cymba - "You're an unchristian aggressive liar showing no fruits of the spirit"
Christian Trucker Pat - "You're proud, arrogant,self-glorifying, uncharitable, offensive, lacking understanding and talking drivel"
Elbown - "You put me off Christianity and i'm a Christian"
Reverend Eric Potts - "You disgust me"
PS- It turned out Potts is not a real clergyman, he's an 'assistant methodist minister', my guess is that he's the caretaker of their local meeting hall and they bestowed that lofty title on him to keep him sweet so he'll go on slopping out their latrines..