IMO Russia would not have feared the UNITED States because Trump would have been for Russia to win the war against Ukraine.
when you say some leftist countries,who do you mean?
Speculation and fear-mongering.
What we DO KNOW FOR SURE is the DJT did NOT seek to weaponize the DOJ, FBI and CIA to destroy political rivals.
He did NOT solicit rogue commie AG's to prosecute citizens who were exercising their lawful rights.
He did NOT attack parents attending school board meetings.
He did NOT rabidly pursue gun-grabbing.
He is NOT willing to engage in the $$$ faux war $$$ slaughterhouse.
He DID call out the massive election fraud and Ukraine fraud.
He CONTINUES to call out Brandon for what he obviously is.
Yes, he is stupid as a bag of rocks. Yes he has a big mouth. Yes he lacks statesmanship and polish. Yes he surrounded himself with back-stabbers. Yes he is a dithering fool who failed to take decisive action at the crucial moments.
Be he isn't an absolutely irredeemably treasonous criminal nutter like his enemies are.