Apparently politicians are prone to corruption. We have the cases against Trump, and likely Biden as well. Sliding cash into their own pockets seems to be the law of the political game.
Over here it’s no better. The last few weeks politicians have been charged with corruption, insider trading, bribery, downright lying and etc on a weekly basis. Even the former PM is in serious trouble now.
The collateral damage is that the only thing you can truly trust in a politician is that he or she is genuinely crooked.
That is what the American government wants is for the people to hate the government, and not trust them, and look at them as corrupt, and not of a great character.
They also want the people to fight with each other over the political parties which is the purpose of Donald Trump to stir up the patriots to increase the fighting, and that is why they went to left wing and right wing to increase the fighting.
Then they have an excuse to go to a new form of government that is neither Republican or Democrat, but a balance between democracy and communism which will mimic the one world government to come.
Which the one world religious system will be a balance between atheist, and spirituality, and their higher power the God of forces the power of nature which they believe they are evolving to be spiritual, and a god, and there is no god.
I am sure Canada is doing the same thing.
The top leaders of Republican and Democrat are actually working together which is the Hegel System the same as America and Russia are working together.
The United Nations supports new age organizations and is with them as well as Science.
The nations are working together and any talk of war, or war, or conflicts between nations is a scare tactic to drive the world together to work for peace on Earth.
After WW1, League of Nations.
After WW2, United Nations.
And now it is time for a one world government.
Controlled conflict brings about controlled change.