Why… we are not… and will not… go through the Tribulation.

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
It's the interesting part of threads about pre/post/mid tribulation ect. in that many view these events as future events(your wording in your post is future tense),,, Any way though if for instance the heat domes,C-19 ect.(current events taking place on earth) are fulfillment's of the great heat in Rev. 16 https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/16.htm or the river drying up(worldwide) https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/9.htm ,,,,,,,the point is though if you notice in the Scriptures I gave is that these things happen to those who do worship the image and already have taken that mark so it's not future tense but instead it's past and current but they haven't yet figured out what it is and as in both chapters "they repented not",,,,

So when the one-world government enforces the mark, since you don't think it's not THE mark of the beast, you're going to take it?



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
The most important thing about being still here when the AC and the mark of the beast shows up is that you've built up your faith in the Lord, continually abiding in Him, not so much prepping and stockpiling food, etc. unless God specifically tells the individual believer to do that.

The building up of faith and abiding in the Lord is the most important because He is our actual protection and provision. He will provide until it's time to either die for the Lord (or just from natural causes - that's up to God) or He comes to pick us up.

When I first had come to the conclusion that the rapture is Post-Trib, I was honestly very scared. I started looking up prepper videos to learn how to grow my own food and purify water. I even looked up solar panels for energy. But doing all that just made me more anxious!

God had to calm me down and He laid it on my heart that I'm focusing on all the wrong things. So what am I supposed to do? Bible say to endure to the end (Matthew 24:13) in regard to the last days. So the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to build up my faith and fellowship with the Lord. So I prayed about that to the Lord and I learned it is all about constantly submitting my all to Him in all things.

God started putting events in my life where my faith was being challenged. At first I thought maybe He was angry at me, but God corrected my thinking on that. He was allowing difficult things into my life in order to put into practice being faithful to Him and trusting Him through them!

For example, I'm not making as much money as I used to and I've gone through situations where I just didn't have enough money for some sort of emergency. I learned to completely trust God for provision -- AND HE HAS COME THROUGH EVERY TIME!!! :love:

I've also come across people who have been bullying me. I was upset that God was allowing them to continue to do that and without repercussion, but God had told me to reread the parts of the Bible where His servants were greatly persecuted (which was often, actually). He laid it on my heart that in order to be strong in the coming Great Tribulation, I have to exercise my faith in Him in the adversities He's allowed into my life right now. And because He explained that to me, I've been able to handle these adversities so much better!

So yeah, right now I'm not stockpiling any food or gun or ammo or energy. I'm building up my faith in the Lord to endure to the end.

PS - The Bible says that most Christians will die at the hand of the AC - mostly from refusing the mark of the beast. There's also nuclear wars and natural plagues too. I'm not anything special so I'm pretty sure I'll be one of those Christians who die, so I don't see any point in stockpiling food.
There is a rapture that is post-trib. It is a Jewish rapture of the remnant during the time of Jacob's trouble. However, the body of Christ was a mystery and so will be the rapture of the body of Christ. It is not spoken of in Matthew. The rapture in Matthew is Jewish in nature.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
The Church will be taken up before Tribulation begins.

Nope. The church will be persecuted during the Trib.

Mar 13:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
Mar 13:4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
Mar 13:5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
Mar 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Mar 13:7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
Mar 13:8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Mar 13:9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.

Hard to beat someone that isn't there.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
There is a rapture that is post-trib. It is a Jewish rapture of the remnant during the time of Jacob's trouble. However, the body of Christ was a mystery and so will be the rapture of the body of Christ. It is not spoken of in Matthew. The rapture in Matthew is Jewish in nature.

If it's just Jewish, He would have said so. But that's not being said anywhere in what Jesus said.

PS - You're just wasting time arguing when you should be building up your faith in the Lord.



Active member
Jun 1, 2023
There are no Christian’s found in Matthew 24, only Jews. The body of Christ was in mystery form.
I feel the need to point out that Matthew 24 is a private tutoring session with Jesus as master teacher and His disciples (followers) as students. Although the term “Christian” does not appear until Acts 11:26, the word Christian actually means follower of Christ. Surely, you know this. Jesus was teaching his followers in Matthew 24. Jesus is teaching us today. Nothing He says in Matthew 24 is only for “Jews.”


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Nothing He says in Matthew 24 is only for “Jews.”
And Jews of Judaism normally don't read what Jesus taught anyways not to mention anything about accepting what he said or believing him. Matthew 24 and all the OD's are to Christians and about Christians regarding what to expect in the few years prior to the second coming.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
If it's just Jewish, He would have said so. But that's not being said anywhere in what Jesus said.

PS - You're just wasting time arguing when you should be building up your faith in the Lord.

Lol, you probably shouldn't judge another. It's a discussion forum. That's all. I build up my faith in God's word daily. I teach God's word daily and on Sunday mornings. I spend hours of my day in God's word building my faith. Thank you for your concern. This is nothing to cause division, just discussion. Blessings!


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2023
Lol, you probably shouldn't judge another. It's a discussion forum. That's all. I build up my faith in God's word daily. I teach God's word daily and on Sunday mornings. I spend hours of my day in God's word building my faith. Thank you for your concern. This is nothing to cause division, just discussion. Blessings!
Meh. You're fake laughing now, but will you be when you're still here and the AC shows up?

1) It's not judging and causing division when encouraging people to build their faith up for the coming Great Tribulation.

2) The Pharisees were teachers too so not impressed that you teach.

3) Building up your faith in God's Word, okay. Are you putting it into practice? Has God started putting you through the paces so that you can exercise that faith? Has He allowed people to give you a hard time to do that? Has He withheld the means to buy and sell things so you can practice trusting Him for provision?

It's going to be worse than you think where your faith in God will be challenged by Satan, the AC and the world when you're still here. I'm trying to keep you from a) falling away and b) betraying other Christians when that happens.



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2016
Meh. You're fake laughing now, but will you be when you're still here and the AC shows up?

1) It's not judging and causing division when encouraging people to build their faith up for the coming Great Tribulation.

2) The Pharisees were teachers too so not impressed that you teach.

3) Building up your faith in God's Word, okay. Are you putting it into practice? Has God started putting you through the paces so that you can exercise that faith? Has He allowed people to give you a hard time to do that? Has He withheld the means to buy and sell things so you can practice trusting Him for provision?

It's going to be worse than you think where your faith in God will be challenged by Satan, the AC and the world when you're still here. I'm trying to keep you from a) falling away and b) betraying other Christians when that happens.

Ok, good luck with all that. Don't take the mark.


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2011


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2022
So - are you suggesting that the Second Coming of Christ occurred in 70 A.D.? And, that the time of the Two Witnesses occurred back then as well?
No. I didn't say that at all. Hasn't yet happened, but the tribulation spoken of in Matthew 24 did


Active member
Jul 29, 2022
Here is one thing that I think must be understood.

  • The Church is not subject to the Wrath of God.
  • This pretrib or no trib will not make it without the Holy Spirit in the Rapture or through the Great Tribulation.

No matter where you stand, one thing from today's standing the church collectively is crying " Temple of the Lord," yet they are working as Ichabod. Many will fall in the Great Tribulation or miss the Rapture because They have a form of godliness but deny the Power thereof.

Many love to debate Theological topics but have hate, perversion, and unforgiveness in their heart. They are silent as children are being given over to the modern-day Baal in LGBTQ worship. And say nothing because it is unpopular to do so. If you won't stand for God when it is unpopular how are you going to do so in the Great Tribulation? LOL You won't. Many can't even hold the line with their own family members who live in sin and give in because they are a Son or Daughter.

Argue there is no Rapture says we are going through the Trib, ok :) But if you think God is mocked and winks are your foolishness and you by your own will can suffer unto death, you do not know the word of God.

Jesus said, "You will receive power After the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you will be my (martyr) witnesses."
Acts 1:8

We can't even STAND against evil and be salt in a dying world. Jesus said the gate of Hell will not Prevail.

Those who hold to the tribulation saying bring it on but hiding, those who say Bring on the Rapture are not working until he comes.

Both are Hypocrites. None are ready for either event. Wake UP!

if you have not shared Jesus with someone who is not on a website, you are the problem.
I dont know which way you believe and with this type of attitude you have, i dont even care. You are on my side friend. We are siding with Jesus

I believe the most important thing is what you said at the end: BEING PREPARED; sharing the gospel. Doing the work God gave you to do and moving to Greenland is God told you so!


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2021
Both the Tribulation period and the Great Tribulation are periods of divine judgments. So making a fine distinction may not be necessary. The wrath of God would correspond to the Great Tribulation, but the Tribulation itself is for the unbelieving Jews -- not the Church, the Bride of Christ.
I disagree with you on both points. Jesus said "in the world you will have tribulation ..." tribulation is from the world, it is persecution, the great end time persecution Jesus warns us about is the great tribulation.

The Great Tribulation is in Jeremiah 30 called "the time of Jacob's trouble" God specifically says in that scripture that He will be saved out of it. "Jacob will lie down in safety and none shall make him afraid."

The picture of it is when Jacob was fleeing Laban having despoiled him of his herds and children, fleeing straight into the arms of Esau who for all Jacob knew was still intent on skinning him alive but God warned Laban off and He went ahead and changed Esau's heart. Jacob was in terror for his life alright but God had sent 2 companies of angels to guard him.

How do I know this is a picture of Jacob's trouble? because it relates to the end times. When the man wrestled with Jacob and did not prevail he said "let me go for the day breaks"

Look closely at Jeremiah 30 God says "why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in childbirth and all faces turned to paleness? does a man travail in childbirth?" Why was Israel in terror?

"... it is the woman who travails in childbirth not the man" Israel is God's firstborn son ... the church is the spouse, the bride. She is the one who travails in childbirth.

Jacob's trouble is the trouble that will come upon the nations for the way they have treated the Jews, the church is in the nations.

Daniel 12 speaking about the great tribulations says "at that time Michael the mighty cherub who has the care of Israel will stand up and your people will be delivered"


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
I dont know which way you believe and with this type of attitude you have, i dont even care. You are on my side friend. We are siding with Jesus

I believe the most important thing is what you said at the end: BEING PREPARED; sharing the gospel. Doing the work God gave you to do and moving to Greenland is God told you so!


Truth, Honesty, Love, Courage
Aug 10, 2019
Both the Tribulation period and the Great Tribulation are periods of divine judgments. So making a fine distinction may not be necessary. The wrath of God would correspond to the Great Tribulation, but the Tribulation itself is for the unbelieving Jews -- not the Church, the Bride of Christ.
What/Where in the Bible differentiates between two separate "periods" known as 'Tribulation' and 'Great Tribulation'?


Truth, Honesty, Love, Courage
Aug 10, 2019
No. I didn't say that at all. Hasn't yet happened, but the tribulation spoken of in Matthew 24 did
What about all of the things that happen 'Immediately after the tribulation of those days'...? (and after that)

Matthew 24:29-31 / Mark 13:24-27 / Luke 21:25-27

Are you saying that all of it has already occurred?
Aug 27, 2023
What/Where in the Bible differentiates between two separate "periods" known as 'Tribulation' and 'Great Tribulation'?

First part of the Tribulation (satan/antichrist not yet here - Rev 13:1-10, "And I...saw a beast rise up..." ):

Revelation 12:6
6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days [42 months - Rev 13:5]. KJV

Second part of the Tribulation (satan/antichrist is here - Rev 13:11-18, "and I beheld another beast..."):

Revelation 12:14
14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time [??? months, presumably 5 months - Rev 9:5 & 10], from the face of the serpent. KJV

These are direct acts of God, and satan and his minions are powerless to harm these two groups of Christians. However, if we continued Rev 12:14 above, and follow it down a couple more verses, we see that satan then goes away and attacks other Christians.


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2011
As opposed to what???

Yes - and, trying to totally destroy every good thing there is in the world... :( :censored:

Hmm that's why I ask about this in post #22 about Revelation 12:12 https://biblehub.com/interlinear/revelation/12-12.htm where it says that the Devil has come down to you having great fury(wrath?),,, so do you see all of Revelation 12 as being fulfilled in the past or that the devil is trying to totally destroy every good thing there is in the world currently?