The rapture is post trib and Rev and the gospels speak a lot about the persecution and tribulation the Church will suffer during the tribulation. This has been the fate of much of the church throughout history and no exception is made for the end times church.
If the saints are not going to go through the tribulation because of whatever reason a person gives where God would not allow them to go through the tribulation then why did God allow the saints to be persecuted during the history of the Church.
People like to use the words 'Great Tribulation' to describe what they think is a [short] 7-year End Times Scenario. However, there really is no such thing in the Bible. Jesus said that there shall be 'great tribulation' - He did not say that there would be a 'Great Tribulation' [period]. Everyone needs to understand this.
The Bible tells us exactly - in relative 'event' terms - when the 'great tribulation' (that Jesus spoke of) starts - and, when it ends.
History has shown us with certainty that the 'starting' mark-in-time was circa 70 A.D. - but, has yet to show us the 'ending' mark-in-time.
There is no 7-year 'prophetic' End Times period.
That idea comes from severely misinterpreted scripture.
The 'great tribulation' that Jesus referred to has already started - we are in it now.
The 'great tribulation' that Jesus referred to includes the Dark Ages and all of the wars and other human 'troubles' that have occurred over the past ~2000 years.
It will end at some point in the future - when the Two Witnesses "show up on the scene" to begin their prophecy/testimony.
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