You are confusing discernment with judgment.
Jill, as Biden's wife, is his "help meet" that is Biblical.
Joe Biden has an alias of Bob Peters where he has received an estimated $50 million. According to Hunter that gets divied up among the family. I am simply repeating what Hunter said.
Judge not lest you be judged, the word means condemn not. Saying that Joe Biden has dementia is not a condemnation. Telling people not to judge doesn't mean you have to blind, and without any common sense.
You said that Trump condemned Epstein and then flew on his plane and partied with him as proof that he was somehow tainted by being associated with a pedophile. Then you corrected yourself and said that Trump condemned him twenty years or more after being seen with him, indicating that at the time he was seen with him he might not know he was a pedophile. But then you said it didn't matter, either way. That proves you are biased. Again, judge not doesn't mean we can't think logically. You want to condemn Trump because he wished someone well in their trial, that is not a crime, what are you condemning him for, that is illogical.
In response to your attempt to condemn Trump someone posted a comparison between Bill Clinton and Trump and their relationship with Epstein to show the contrast. It was very informative, and extremely relevant to showing the difference. You respond that if a person would show the difference between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump's relationship with Epstein then they must be paid off by Vladimir Putin. Now what really brings home how stupid this is, you were the one who brought up the entire thing. It blew up in your face so instead of admitting this you drop to an ad hominem attack. Everyone knows that when someone goes rogue, leaves the topic and does an ad hominem attack it is an admission that they have been proven wrong.