The Tree of Life actually devastates your un-Biblical theory, and you fail to understand that at all. You prefer to
add to Scripture and promote the lie of Satan at the heart of the fall of man and corruption of all creation. In all
good conscience, I cannot do that. There are a plethora of verses, from the beginning of the Bible to the end, that
state the end of wicked man is death, the wages of sin is death, that life ever after is attained solely by grace through
faith in the shed righteous blood of Jesus Christ. It is Christianity 101 but gets thrown over for Satan's lie time and time
and time again. I know you do not believe it. You have a parable which many refuse to accept is a parable, a few verses
from a highly symbolic book written in apocalyptic literature style, and a great deal of deception to counter a multitude
of verses that have shaped my conviction. I normally have you on ignore because of your tendency to bombastic speeches.
add to Scripture and promote the lie of Satan at the heart of the fall of man and corruption of all creation. In all
good conscience, I cannot do that. There are a plethora of verses, from the beginning of the Bible to the end, that
state the end of wicked man is death, the wages of sin is death, that life ever after is attained solely by grace through
faith in the shed righteous blood of Jesus Christ. It is Christianity 101 but gets thrown over for Satan's lie time and time
and time again. I know you do not believe it. You have a parable which many refuse to accept is a parable, a few verses
from a highly symbolic book written in apocalyptic literature style, and a great deal of deception to counter a multitude
of verses that have shaped my conviction. I normally have you on ignore because of your tendency to bombastic speeches.
You, on the other hand, are holding mostly vacuous denial and venal philosophy.
Here is the prescription that will cure your ignorance once and for all.....