When you are Born Again your Spirit is sanctified -----your heaven bound ---your sins are forgiven ----your Soul is not sanctified ----your Soul is your Mind --Will and Emotions ------but that does not Stop you from going to heaven ------it is our job by and through the help of the Holy Spirit to mature in our faith by staying in the Word and to mature in our walk with Christ to by obeying the Word so we can get our Soul lined up with our Spirit -------we are to continue to work out our Salvation to the end -----
Once your Spirit is Holy ----- the hard work begins ------changing your thought life from the World to God's way of thinking -----taking control over your emotions ----slow to anger --not to take offense when people criticize us not to feel envy or jealousy towards others etc -------and being obedient to God's Will not your Own Will -----laying down self desires ----self wants ----
Not an easy task ------once your Saved ---your called a Carnal Christian -----your saved but you still live like your in this world -----many people die in their Carnal state -----Maturing to the Spiritual person takes much------ patience -----practice ----practice and more practice and great stamina to stay the course to press on to the goal of developing a Real True Christ like Character all the time -----
I say ----None OF US True Christians will ever reach the end Goal of being a truly Spiritual dependant person ---relying only on the Holy Spirit to direct all aspects of our life -----before we die -----