Yes, I understand.
And I've seen it interpreted that angels had sex with human women and produced "giants." But even so, and even if disobedient angels were trying to create their own version of a super being (heavenly/human offspring,) it wasn't sanctioned by God.
Rather, what I'm saying is that even if something has full sex organs, whether a human or an angel in human form, it doesn't automatically mean that God is giving them the thumbs up to having sex and/or procreating. John's post seems to indicate that if something has the organs, they should be using them. But God says hold on a minute, there's a guideline I want you to follow.
Which is of course why God tells us sex is reserved for marriage.
Just because you have the tools, it doesn't mean you automatically get to plant a garden.
Whether human or angel in human form, God might still be telling that person/being to hold back on any such activity, even if they have the tool boxes.