Certainly, it was revealed as fire because the reader would know what a fire does to living things: destroys them. Unless you've met a living thing that could be baked in fire and live???
The issue is that God will never be the wicked and demonic beings tormented in the fire in the age to come.
God will be all in all. Nothing evil will be carried over into the new heaven and earth.
Eternal Conscious Torment was promoted to fill Baptist pews: Despicable teaching that is bereft of any understanding of the nature of the Father.
The issue is that God will never be the wicked and demonic beings tormented in the fire in the age to come.
God will be all in all. Nothing evil will be carried over into the new heaven and earth.
Eternal Conscious Torment was promoted to fill Baptist pews: Despicable teaching that is bereft of any understanding of the nature of the Father.
Well I certainly understand the moral, philosophical problems of eternal conscious torment, we still have to deal honestly with
the text and the concept of "annihilation" as in "ceasing to exist" "de-creating" is not supported by the Greek language.