That does not comport with God's words.
We can't accept some of scripture and omit what other parts we do not like.
We can't accept some of scripture and omit what other parts we do not like.
I do not not think any of TULIP whether hyper or more modernized to make it more palatable is truth.
If you beleive a sinner is dead as a corpse (totally depraved and unable to freely respond to God) and faith is a gift given to particular ones (the elect), and only those individuals sovereignly and unconditionally elected before the foundation of the world will be irresistibly drawn to Christ – then you need to believe that regeneration precedes faith. <<<<<< Not biblical.
In scripture we actually see many appeals calling sinners to respond to the gospel.
The Holy Spirit uses the seed of God's Word to bring about new life (I Pet. 1:23; James 1:18,21; I John 3:9). The word of God is the Spirit’s instrumental means that faith leads to regeneration.
God is interested in a free response of faith as the Holy Spirit draws the sinner through the Gospel. << Truth
In this way God is actually glorified.
When does a loving parent feel better when a child is forced to respond correctly or when the child does the right thing because they are persuaded of the truth of the right response?
TULIP needs to go away, it maligns God!!