i DO have classes full of children whove been neglected because their parents are working so hard to keep a roof over their head.
its not the childs fault they acting out its often what the parents have failed to do, provide a loving environment for them to thrive. Discipline in schools is more of a value that needs teaching and children need to be trained in the ought to go, not beaten into it. This requires firrmness and safe and secure boundaries and also nurturing from when they are young.
Physical in terms of...understanding pain and suffering, and what soothing touch is. Children need teaching and engagement not necessarily the school of hard knocks. also if sports are taught in a healthy manner there is no need for violence which is often just a knee jerk reaction on a parents part and only serves to punish a child for a parents failure to look after them.
some solutions might be to visit the parents and family before school starts to see and understand where they are at. It takes time to culitivate relationships but it will lay dividends in the future. schools that take time to do this care about their children
I dont know any teachers who leave their classes with the librarian and leave. I dont. I stay and supervise them. Classes will have one or two, maybe 3 children whose behaviour are undesirable and disrupt the class, its unusual to have a whole class that way.
I think everyone can agree that discipline should be taught at home whatever form that takes. If you are lucky enough to have kids that never needed correction then thats awesome but that is a minority. Smacking them with your hand while they are young is not a bad parenting strategy. You can then explain afterwards why you took that route and they soon learn you discipline with love as opposed to wanting to be your childs best friend.
Not every child responds to a soothing touch. A lot of children respond to an authoratative parent that is firm and sets boundaries. Physical discipline can be a part of that. I dont think normal parents confuse it with beating.
I dont understand the bit about sports being taught in a healthy manner. Most boys have energy that need a physical outlet. I dont see physical discipline as violence, its another form of correction, usually for most parents its the last resort. And at school/s its the same students in detention, disrupting the class, doing counselling. The following year the same students being discussed in the staffroom between last year and this years teachers.
If youre not allowed to discipline your kids according to your values at home then what? If the softer approach isnt working at home, why do you think it works at school? It doesnt fix every child.
I know you dont have children and this is why I say this. Being a parent is different than being an aunt or uncle. You can have the most well thought out plan A and plan B scenarios and consequences ready but even your own children are going to come along and challenge everything you thought you knew big time.