Public school systems can work. I got an excellent head start with a stay at home working mom who taught us to read and write before we entered elementary school. I had mature teachers who taught me the skills (reading, writing, math, science, history, government, and economics) that I needed to succeed in the work place, and college. There was two way respect in the classrooms, and back sides were warmed (at school and when we got home) when we got out of line. My parent's goals was simple. You were going to finish high school, you were going to work when you got home, and you were going to excel at both.
When the school day was over and the chores were done (we were share croppers), we had time to play, hunt or fish.
Instead of enough toys to fill a huge toy box and a closet, we had the outside world to make our own toys.
Everyone finished high school near the top of the class, five out of six finished college, and three finished grad school. All have had very successful careers. We credit our success to parental determination and an excellent public school education.
Instead of griping and moaning about how bad your public school system is, get off your back side and fix it. You might want to start at home.