Quantity is a false protection. Almost no one has time to read 40 different sources. So the key thing is quality. There should be some special quality about each source that you are listening to.
1. NY Times lied about having a deep contact in the Trump administration that was highly placed, a "deep throat". They led everyone to believe that the Chief of Staff or the Secretary of State was giving us the inside information on Trump's administration. Instead it was some guy in a cubicle across town. Once they knowingly, intentionally lie to me to further their agenda I do not listen to them anymore. NY Times is crossed off my list.
2. WAPO lied about the Hunter Biden laptop. They are off my list.
3. Project Veritas, Revolver, and Epoch times have all done some excellent reporting. Every one of these outlets has an agenda. If you think you can find a news outlet without an agenda you are deceived. But they are transparent, and their stories are powerful. I listen to them.
4. Steve Bannon has been accused of being a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist because he started his podcast in January 2020, Warroom Pandemic with the absurd theory that the virus in China would become a pandemic and that it was made in the Wuhan lab. A year later he was proved right on both fronts. People who tell the truth will be attacked. I do not shy away from someone because they are attacked and slandered, what I want to see is the track record. Not only has Bannon been right and been first on many stories, he has taken massive attacks on these stories. So Bannon's Warroom pandemic is at the top of the list for what I listen to.
5. Alex Jones -- he also is attacked, but I don't listen to him. Many argue that he also is right and first on many topics, however, he has been horribly wrong on at least one topic and if you reference him everyone will be thinking about the time he was wrong. There is a price to pay for being wrong. There is a very fine line you need to walk, you want to be right, first, and cover the biggest and most important stories, however, if you are wrong then you are a crackpot. Once the pot is cracked you throw it away. The CIA runs the news and they don't simply give you misinformation and fake news. They will sprinkle in a lot of truth with their bogus stories to lead you astray as well.
6. Tucker Carlson -- highest rated pundit on TV. You have to listen to whoever everyone else is listening to in order to know what is being said. To me the big advantage in Tucker is that he is "eloquent". You can learn a lot about how to share a controversial news story by listening to him.
7. Morning Joe -- MSNBC -- I listen to him everyday because he (actually Mica is the star of the show) gives you the Democratic talking points. Even though I disagree with him I want to know what he is saying.
8. Bill Maher -- he gives you a common sense liberal approach to what is happening. I strongly disagree with Bill Maher on several issues but I like listening to him because he shows me how to address liberals.